Orders are shipped in up to two weeks if they are ready made items. I have to wait until I have free days between my other jobs.
You should receive a shipping notification when it’s packed so you can track it. I appreciate your orders and understanding!

For items that require customization, please contact me before ordering them. I don’t think I will be able to make them before December 31, 2022. 


Flat Fold Mask Pattern

While researching materials and patterns to help with the healthcare mask shortage, I came across several bits of feedback that I wanted to try to improve upon. I based this design on a flat fold mask that some healthcare facilities currently use. 


The base design can be made with two straps of elastic, ear loops, or ties. And I’ve included a variation for a pocket, as well as, a variation that can be use to thread a full circle of elastic or tie.


I’ve made it so it fits over a standard dome shaped N95 mask; however, it also does well on it’s own.  There is .5″ of seam allowance in the design. When sewing all the pieces together, you can do more or less seam across the arches to make it bigger or smaller. I like it exactly at .5. I have also washed these on hot afterwards to test shrinkage, and it seems to be about .25″. I think that’s fine and prefer to sew first then wash.


I’m working on instructions and will post that on a blog with a video. Hopefully, I put enough info in the pattern to get you started. 


I just drew this and tested it yesterday, so I’m sure there are improvements that could be made. Please let me know! I want these to work well.